Hola ~ Another gorgeous morning here in the Big Bend National Park area ~ on the Rio Grande ~ a great place to be! The rains came again yesterday ~ in the late afternoon I took a break from painting and hiked in the rain to the mesa top ~ the sun was shining ~ the rain was light and gentle ~ and an awesome rainbow covered the sky from north to south ~ I knew I should have carried my camera!!
This morning is sweet and cool after the rain showers and all the desert critters are refreshed and happy!
~ ~ ~ and here is the next entry in the 1945 Diary of Peter Koch from his time spent in the Big Bend National Park:
Thursday March 29
Went to the window prospecting for scenes in which to film the kids on horseback.
Down at the lower end near the junction raised a pair of white winged doves.
Several deer are in there and one agave is up about half way with its bloom stalk.
Found, near the place where a tree is blown down the nest of a woodpecker being cut out of a tree. Looks like soft wood of some kind. Was unable to identify the bird but his dark bill was entirely surrounded by white and then a black area thru the eye and over the head - an odd clownish effect.
Returned and at 4 p.m. filmed the growth of an agave. That is I started on it. Must get several more.
End of this day's diary post
To read the start of these diary entries and the explanation back of them please refer to my blog post of September 3, 2009
Have a great day everyone! RoMy
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
1945 Diary Big Bend National Park Texas Mexican Folk Art RoMy,Paintings,Painting,Desert,Santa Elena Canyon,Photographer,Photography,Mexico,Hot Spring
Hola ~ from "Where Rainbows Wait for Rain" ~
The rainbows had rain yesterday evening! Only a smattering here at mi casa ~ but every evening just before dark I hike to the top of a mesa on the back side of our property where we neighbor the Big Bend National Park ~ and I could see the rain ~ looked like a good one ~ up in the high country where the Lodge is ~ and the clouds white and thick draped over the Chisos (Ghost) Mountains ~ beautiful!
From top of the mesa I could see Rough Run Crik and it had quite a bit of water which also told me the higher country had gotten rain. Maybe today it'll rain here at mi casa!
And by the time I walked the trail back down the wind kicked up and the temperature dropped almost immediately ~ so cool that I had a few goosebumps!! ~
~~~ I am still working on my latest painting of Santa Elena Canyon in the moonlight and a couple of vaqueros crossing the Rio Grande ~ but it's not finished yet ~ I hope to have some photos of it in a few days ~
For those of you who are interested in reading with me from Peter Koch's 1945 Diary here is the next insert (and if you have just joined in and want to know what this diary is all about please read the post of September 3, 2009 ~ where you'll find explanation):
Century Plant Begun
Wednesday March 28th
Decided that a trip down to Hot Springs was in order as I could film the ocotilla, cactus and see the sunlight effect on the Del Carmens - We got started about noon and went down to Tornillo Creek in some rough arid section took a few feet of pictures. The Rosillos are in the background and show red against the yellow clay and gravel of the Creek foreground.
We went down the road and with frequent stops to photograph we did finally arrive at the Hot Springs dry - hungry. Ate our lunch on the creek - three killdee parading in the flags in front of us.
On our way back we made several stops but tonight the scenes lacked some of its beauty, so I did not make any more exposures.
The last of the Texas bluebonnet made a nice little scene in the valley of the Rio Grande.
Began filming the Agave - sequence of growth.
End of the diary's post for this day ~~~
The above photos are what was left of Peter Koch's darkroom, (many, many years after he penned this diary) when we bought this place. During the time that he wrote this diary in 1945 he and his familia lived in the Park.
When we bought this property ~ which had passed hands at least once since Peter lived here ~ this darkroom, unfortunately, had to be torn down ~ I hated losing a piece of history but the snakes had made a breeding ground of this building which was built right into the side of a hill. But inside were stacks of Arizona Highway magazines from the 1940's and 1950's ~ which I still have and so enjoy reading! And even though this piece of Peter's past is no longer in existence when I pass this area I smile as I picture him in there developing his film all those years ago!
To read more of his diary ~ please check back tomorrow & have a fabulous day! RoMy
1945 Diary,
Big Bend National Park,
Peter Koch,
Thursday, September 3, 2009
1945 Diary from Big Bend National Park area in Texas
Hola ~ from "Where Rainbows Wait for Rain" ~ in the Big Bend National Park area in Texas ~ on the banks of the Rio Grande and Old Mexico ~
For several years I have had in my possession three diaries believed to have been written by Peter Koch. Anyone familiar with this name well knows who Peter Koch was but for those of you who don't know, Peter was an outstanding photographer of wildlife and a lecturer in the 1940's. Peter was working as a photographer for the Cincinnati Times Star (newspaper) but left there to do freelance work and one of his first assignments was to photograph the Big Bend which had just become a national park. (Peter also filmed the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and I have this diary as well)
This assignment of photographing the Big Bend National Park was however only meant to be a temporary position ~ Peter and his family were actually enroute to Arizona which would be their new home and where he would do desert filming.
All those years ago ~ while World War II was going on ~ and Big Bend was just getting its start as a national park ~ Peter, however, fell in love with this area and it became his home ~ ~ ~
As to how I came to have these diaries? The home I live in once was lived in by Peter. Years back when my husband and I purchased this property and the house, we were cleaning out the attic ~ and we found boxes and boxes of documents with Peter's name on them ~ bills and ledgers documenting his expenses for his bookkeeping records, letters and photographs ~ and three diaries. His initials "PK" and the date "45" are on the front. I have every reason to believe these are indeed Peter's diaries.
The entries are brief and never personal ~ mostly entries regarding the weather and wildlife ~ and because they are not personal in nature and because Peter Koch loved the Big Bend so much ~ I think he'd be pleased to know he is still able to share his love of this area with others.
I have enjoyed reading his diaries ~ perhaps you will, too. I will post to this blog as often as my schedule allows so please feel free to follow the entries if you'd like.
Also I am still working on my painting of Santa Elena Canyon ~ might be finished in a few days ~ hope you will check it out!
Post From Tuesday, March 27th, 1945:
Fair (I presume this means the weather was "fair" this day)
Went to Study Butte and photographed the people in a Rosary Service. Marched up the hill responsively reciting their Hail Mary's - beautiful scene as they climbed to the top of a butte where they knelt in solemn prayer.
This was outlined in a talk with - Rev. Francis Juaniz P.O. 476 Alpine, Texas. A high typle of Catholic priest.
On the way I took a number of pictures - the ocotilla are all doing well and now are at the heigth of bloom - the yuccas are doing well too, around Terlingua.
A very picturesque scene was filmed on Terlingua Creek - the green cottonwoods against the yellow cliffs.
14 mallards rose from the shallow water - circled and flew about half a mile up the creek - four of them were males -
Received roll of film from Lindy
End of today's Diary Entry
Have a great day folks and please stop in again soon for more! RoMy
For several years I have had in my possession three diaries believed to have been written by Peter Koch. Anyone familiar with this name well knows who Peter Koch was but for those of you who don't know, Peter was an outstanding photographer of wildlife and a lecturer in the 1940's. Peter was working as a photographer for the Cincinnati Times Star (newspaper) but left there to do freelance work and one of his first assignments was to photograph the Big Bend which had just become a national park. (Peter also filmed the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and I have this diary as well)
This assignment of photographing the Big Bend National Park was however only meant to be a temporary position ~ Peter and his family were actually enroute to Arizona which would be their new home and where he would do desert filming.
All those years ago ~ while World War II was going on ~ and Big Bend was just getting its start as a national park ~ Peter, however, fell in love with this area and it became his home ~ ~ ~
As to how I came to have these diaries? The home I live in once was lived in by Peter. Years back when my husband and I purchased this property and the house, we were cleaning out the attic ~ and we found boxes and boxes of documents with Peter's name on them ~ bills and ledgers documenting his expenses for his bookkeeping records, letters and photographs ~ and three diaries. His initials "PK" and the date "45" are on the front. I have every reason to believe these are indeed Peter's diaries.
The entries are brief and never personal ~ mostly entries regarding the weather and wildlife ~ and because they are not personal in nature and because Peter Koch loved the Big Bend so much ~ I think he'd be pleased to know he is still able to share his love of this area with others.
I have enjoyed reading his diaries ~ perhaps you will, too. I will post to this blog as often as my schedule allows so please feel free to follow the entries if you'd like.
Also I am still working on my painting of Santa Elena Canyon ~ might be finished in a few days ~ hope you will check it out!
Post From Tuesday, March 27th, 1945:
Fair (I presume this means the weather was "fair" this day)
Went to Study Butte and photographed the people in a Rosary Service. Marched up the hill responsively reciting their Hail Mary's - beautiful scene as they climbed to the top of a butte where they knelt in solemn prayer.
This was outlined in a talk with - Rev. Francis Juaniz P.O. 476 Alpine, Texas. A high typle of Catholic priest.
On the way I took a number of pictures - the ocotilla are all doing well and now are at the heigth of bloom - the yuccas are doing well too, around Terlingua.
A very picturesque scene was filmed on Terlingua Creek - the green cottonwoods against the yellow cliffs.
14 mallards rose from the shallow water - circled and flew about half a mile up the creek - four of them were males -
Received roll of film from Lindy
End of today's Diary Entry
Have a great day folks and please stop in again soon for more! RoMy
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Big Bend National Park,Texas Roadrunner,Mexican Folk Art Photo,RoMy,Country Life,Border of Old Mexico~No Place I'd Rather Be!
Hola ~ from "Where Rainbows Wait for Rain" ~ near Big Bend National Park, Texas, on the banks of the Rio Grande and border of Old Mexico ~
This is "Harriet" ~ sweet Harriet is my resident roadrunner ~ and she and "Harold" ~ her running mate ~ have lived here on our little ranchito for many years now ~ they seem like familia as I watch them each year in season take turns sitting in their nest on three to four eggs that will soon hatch and increase the roadrunner population here in the Big Bend ~ these roadrunner babies are the cutest little version of Groucho Marx running all over the place!
Harold ~ when Spring & Love are in the air ~ woos Harriet with offerings of lizards ~ then later later later ~ after they have eggs in the nest ~ they each take turns sitting on the eggs ~ so that the nest is never left unattended. Harold takes a very serious attitude towards parenthood and does his part! And once the babies are born he is a most proud papa leading his brood about the place, teaching them the ways of life in the desert.
These roadrunners are such a source of entertainment! I've laughed at Harriet pecking on the living room window curious to come in the casa (like in the photo above), Harold sitting on the seat of the old bicycle parked beneath the mesquite tree and appearing as though he might ride off any second! ~ and I've laughed at my cat Diamond as he chases Harriet around the corner of the house ~ and a few moments later it's a cartoon! ~ as Harriet chases Diamond back around the side of the house!
Country Life in the Big Bend ~ no place I'd rather be!
This is "Harriet" ~ sweet Harriet is my resident roadrunner ~ and she and "Harold" ~ her running mate ~ have lived here on our little ranchito for many years now ~ they seem like familia as I watch them each year in season take turns sitting in their nest on three to four eggs that will soon hatch and increase the roadrunner population here in the Big Bend ~ these roadrunner babies are the cutest little version of Groucho Marx running all over the place!
Harold ~ when Spring & Love are in the air ~ woos Harriet with offerings of lizards ~ then later later later ~ after they have eggs in the nest ~ they each take turns sitting on the eggs ~ so that the nest is never left unattended. Harold takes a very serious attitude towards parenthood and does his part! And once the babies are born he is a most proud papa leading his brood about the place, teaching them the ways of life in the desert.
These roadrunners are such a source of entertainment! I've laughed at Harriet pecking on the living room window curious to come in the casa (like in the photo above), Harold sitting on the seat of the old bicycle parked beneath the mesquite tree and appearing as though he might ride off any second! ~ and I've laughed at my cat Diamond as he chases Harriet around the corner of the house ~ and a few moments later it's a cartoon! ~ as Harriet chases Diamond back around the side of the house!
Country Life in the Big Bend ~ no place I'd rather be!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
A Golden Day! From "Where Rainbows Wait for Rain" Near Big Bend National Park Texas
Hola from "Where Rainbows Wait for Rain" ~
It's early quiet still outside. Nice cool dark. Just before the morning sun tops the Chisos. Seasons changing. Hot hot summer days to cool crackling autumn.
And the Carole King song "Morning Sun" ~ ~ ~ which she wrote many years ago ~ ~ ~ comes rolling cross my mind. I can hear her singing beautiful voice singing.
Her lyrics her feelings her high go deep deep deep in me. I can hear her singing her beautiful voice singing.
"If I can only learn the lesson of the seasons
Of a balance rearranging
Though they may not always come just when I want them to
Still they come and keep me high
And the morning sun comes shining through my window
And it's good to be alive
It's gonna be a golden day
Wings unfoldin' day
Green trees, blue sky"
Have a golden day! And please stop in again ~ later this week I'll have photos of the painting I'm working on right now ~ it has a Santa Elena Canyon setting ~
It's early quiet still outside. Nice cool dark. Just before the morning sun tops the Chisos. Seasons changing. Hot hot summer days to cool crackling autumn.
And the Carole King song "Morning Sun" ~ ~ ~ which she wrote many years ago ~ ~ ~ comes rolling cross my mind. I can hear her singing beautiful voice singing.
Her lyrics her feelings her high go deep deep deep in me. I can hear her singing her beautiful voice singing.
"If I can only learn the lesson of the seasons
Of a balance rearranging
Though they may not always come just when I want them to
Still they come and keep me high
And the morning sun comes shining through my window
And it's good to be alive
It's gonna be a golden day
Wings unfoldin' day
Green trees, blue sky"
Have a golden day! And please stop in again ~ later this week I'll have photos of the painting I'm working on right now ~ it has a Santa Elena Canyon setting ~
Monday, August 31, 2009
Rooster~Senorita~Morning~MeXiCaN FoLk ArT~RoMy Painting
Hola ~ from "Where Rainbows wait for Rain" near the Big Bend National Park area of Texas! The weather here has been ideal the past several days ~ cooler temperatures at last (and the rainbows have been getting their rain as we have had several showers)! Yesterday only reached 95 degrees and the mornings are perfect for being outside ~ if you love to hike this country is the place to be right now! I'm headed out for a nice hike this morning myself ~ but ~ first ~ breakfast and another cup of coffee!
While you are here please take a moment to view my "Morning, Morning, Mr. Sunshine!" ~ a brightly coloured piece of art featuring a little senorita who knows that Life Is Good!!
Hope everyone has a fabulous day & please drop in again soon! I hope to have my next painting ~ with a setting from Santa Elena Canyon ~ finished sometime this week!
Artist Quote for the day: Once Degas witnessed one of his paintings sold at auction for $100,000. Asked how he felt, he said, "I feel as a horse must feel when the beautiful cup is given to the jockey."

Rooster~Senorita~Morning~MeXiCaN FoLk ArT~RoMy Painting
Southwest ~ Mexican Folk Art ~ RoMy Original Paintings
Title: "Morning, Morning, Mr. Sunshine!"
Size: 12" x 9" (on gallery-wrapped canvas ~ ready to display!)
Hola! Muchos Gracias for stopping by my Terlingua Art Studio near Terlingua Ghost Town & Big Bend National Park (Texas) along the Old Mexico Border! For your consideration today I am offering this original painting:
It's a gorgeous sunrise ~ and another beautiful day in Old Mexico! The senorita of this lovely casa is just waking up ~ and stepping outside to catch the warm morning sun rays and listen to the early morning sound she loves ~ her rooster crowing! The only alarm clock she knows! With much thanksgiving in her heart ~ and joy to be alive ~ she welcomes the gift of a fresh new day ~ "Morning, morning, Mr. Sunshine!"
A colourful piece ~ with a rooster and a chicken ~ Talavera pots of cacti and flowers ~ and the senorita dressed in her very pretty nightgown! And the colours are gorgeous! Lovely shades of blue, turquoise, green, coral, red, yellow and gold ~ a combination which will complement the colour scheme of most any casa! This piece will make a wonderful addition to anyone's collection of folk art!
This Mexican folk art painting is an ORIGINAL work of art, brightly painted with acrylics on a professionally stretched, gallery wrapped canvas. This premier canvas is tightly wrapped & tucked around a very well-made, quality wooden frame with no side staples ~ and all four sides have been painted so that it is ready for you to immediately display & enjoy just as quickly as you receive it (no additional framing is necessary) ~ and a hanger is already attached! Also this piece has been finished with two coats of a non-yellowing acrylic varnish to protect and enhance its beauty for many years to come. The back of this painting is signed by the artist, titled and dated (2009). The measurements are 12" x 9".
This original painting is a wonderful treasure to collect for yourself ~ but it would also make a great gift!
The artist ~ RoMy ~ that's me! I live on the border between Texas and Mexico ~ near the Big Bend National Park ~ a few miles from Terlingua Ghost Town ~ and I love the history and culture of this area ~ a raw, still quite primitive land ~ a desert land where "rainbows wait for rain." The last few photos in this description show my outdoor studio which faces Santa Elena Canyon and the Rio Grande, the natural border between Old Mexico and Texas ~ and it is from this primitive setting ~ 80 miles from town ~ that I find most of my inspiration for painting. (in the photos Mexico is on the left side of the river and Texas is on the right)
I enjoyed the visit ~ Gracias! And, please, while you are here take a moment to
View My Other Items For Sale
Presently, I have many paintings at ebay auction in a variety of sizes from small to very large ~ painted on canvas, tin, wood & ceramic tile. Lots of subjects: Saint Francis (San Francisco ~ patron of peace & animals), St. Therese, San Pascual Bailon (patron of cooks & most popularly known as the "kitchen saint"), Virgen de Guadalupe, Don Quixote, Tree of Life, Day of the Dead, Mexican Ex-voto Retablo, Mexico Village scenes, Market Day settings, Sacred Heart Milagros, Santos, Senorita portrait, figures, floral, abstract, animals, angels, cactus, desert landscape, mountains, seascape, church, missions and many more! All fabulous pieces to add to your collection of Mexico Folk Art!
Also if you are an avid collector of Mexican Folk Art paintings ~ Mexican Ex-voto Retablos ~ Latin American Folk Art ~ and Southwest (Southwestern) Folk Art please Add me to your Favorite Sellers as I specialize in these areas.
Paypal only, thank you. I ship the next business day following receipt of payment. All my paintings are packaged with the greatest of care ~ and I am always happy to combine shipping costs for multiple purchases!
Adios Amigo!
I hope you enjoyed your visit to my estudio! And, please, before you leave take a moment to View My About Me page & read my bio! And do stop in again ~ the Welcome Sign is always out!
While you are here please take a moment to view my "Morning, Morning, Mr. Sunshine!" ~ a brightly coloured piece of art featuring a little senorita who knows that Life Is Good!!
Hope everyone has a fabulous day & please drop in again soon! I hope to have my next painting ~ with a setting from Santa Elena Canyon ~ finished sometime this week!
Artist Quote for the day: Once Degas witnessed one of his paintings sold at auction for $100,000. Asked how he felt, he said, "I feel as a horse must feel when the beautiful cup is given to the jockey."
Rooster~Senorita~Morning~MeXiCaN FoLk ArT~RoMy Painting
Southwest ~ Mexican Folk Art ~ RoMy Original Paintings
Title: "Morning, Morning, Mr. Sunshine!"
Size: 12" x 9" (on gallery-wrapped canvas ~ ready to display!)
Hola! Muchos Gracias for stopping by my Terlingua Art Studio near Terlingua Ghost Town & Big Bend National Park (Texas) along the Old Mexico Border! For your consideration today I am offering this original painting:
It's a gorgeous sunrise ~ and another beautiful day in Old Mexico! The senorita of this lovely casa is just waking up ~ and stepping outside to catch the warm morning sun rays and listen to the early morning sound she loves ~ her rooster crowing! The only alarm clock she knows! With much thanksgiving in her heart ~ and joy to be alive ~ she welcomes the gift of a fresh new day ~ "Morning, morning, Mr. Sunshine!"
A colourful piece ~ with a rooster and a chicken ~ Talavera pots of cacti and flowers ~ and the senorita dressed in her very pretty nightgown! And the colours are gorgeous! Lovely shades of blue, turquoise, green, coral, red, yellow and gold ~ a combination which will complement the colour scheme of most any casa! This piece will make a wonderful addition to anyone's collection of folk art!
This Mexican folk art painting is an ORIGINAL work of art, brightly painted with acrylics on a professionally stretched, gallery wrapped canvas. This premier canvas is tightly wrapped & tucked around a very well-made, quality wooden frame with no side staples ~ and all four sides have been painted so that it is ready for you to immediately display & enjoy just as quickly as you receive it (no additional framing is necessary) ~ and a hanger is already attached! Also this piece has been finished with two coats of a non-yellowing acrylic varnish to protect and enhance its beauty for many years to come. The back of this painting is signed by the artist, titled and dated (2009). The measurements are 12" x 9".
This original painting is a wonderful treasure to collect for yourself ~ but it would also make a great gift!
The artist ~ RoMy ~ that's me! I live on the border between Texas and Mexico ~ near the Big Bend National Park ~ a few miles from Terlingua Ghost Town ~ and I love the history and culture of this area ~ a raw, still quite primitive land ~ a desert land where "rainbows wait for rain." The last few photos in this description show my outdoor studio which faces Santa Elena Canyon and the Rio Grande, the natural border between Old Mexico and Texas ~ and it is from this primitive setting ~ 80 miles from town ~ that I find most of my inspiration for painting. (in the photos Mexico is on the left side of the river and Texas is on the right)
I enjoyed the visit ~ Gracias! And, please, while you are here take a moment to
View My Other Items For Sale
Presently, I have many paintings at ebay auction in a variety of sizes from small to very large ~ painted on canvas, tin, wood & ceramic tile. Lots of subjects: Saint Francis (San Francisco ~ patron of peace & animals), St. Therese, San Pascual Bailon (patron of cooks & most popularly known as the "kitchen saint"), Virgen de Guadalupe, Don Quixote, Tree of Life, Day of the Dead, Mexican Ex-voto Retablo, Mexico Village scenes, Market Day settings, Sacred Heart Milagros, Santos, Senorita portrait, figures, floral, abstract, animals, angels, cactus, desert landscape, mountains, seascape, church, missions and many more! All fabulous pieces to add to your collection of Mexico Folk Art!
Also if you are an avid collector of Mexican Folk Art paintings ~ Mexican Ex-voto Retablos ~ Latin American Folk Art ~ and Southwest (Southwestern) Folk Art please Add me to your Favorite Sellers as I specialize in these areas.
Paypal only, thank you. I ship the next business day following receipt of payment. All my paintings are packaged with the greatest of care ~ and I am always happy to combine shipping costs for multiple purchases!
Adios Amigo!
I hope you enjoyed your visit to my estudio! And, please, before you leave take a moment to View My About Me page & read my bio! And do stop in again ~ the Welcome Sign is always out!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saint Francis~St ReTaBLo~MeXiCaN FoLk ArT~RoMy Painting
Hola! Here in the Big Bend National Park area of Texas ~ on the border of Old Mexico along the Rio Grande ~ we're off to the start of another beautiful day! We've had rain and the temperature is cooling off! Fall is in the air and the river is running! I am always so grateful for the rain ~ the desert critters depend on it so much! The cacti can hold moisture and go for incredibly long periods in between but the wildlife needs a good drink a little more often! I keep several old dutch ovens filled with water all the time so that they have a place to come and refresh themselves and I so enjoy watching them!
Muchos gracias for dropping by to see what I've been working on in my estudio ~ my newest painting is this HUGE Mexican Ex-voto Retablo dedicated to San Francisco ~ Saint Francis ~ the patron of peace and animals. I hope you enjoy it & please drop by again soon!
Have a grand day! RoMy
Artist Quote for the day: Art is idea. It is not enough to draw, paint, and sculpt. An artist should be able to think. -- Gordon Woods

Saint Francis~St ReTaBLo~MeXiCaN FoLk ArT~RoMy Painting
Southwest ~ Mexican Folk Art Painting ~ RoMy Original
Title: "Saint Francis"
Size: 40"x32" ~ AWESOME SIZE CANVAS!!!
Hola! Muchos Gracias for stopping by my Terlingua Art Studio near Terlingua Ghost Town & Big Bend National Park (Texas) along the border of Old Mexico! For your consideration today I am offering this original painting:
Such a sweet aura in this Mexican ex-voto retablo of Saint Francis! San Francisco is the patron of peace & animals and is loved by all! The Spanish lettering on this unique painting reads: The animals give thanks to Saint Francis for his watch over them always.
Saint Francis is gently holding a dove in his hands and opposite him are two more dove. There is a Mexican cross in this piece ~ a colourful coyote and burro ~ a red bird and a blue bird ~ and an old mission. There is a sliver of a moon and a sprinkling of stars ~ and everywhere are tiny crosses! The colours in this piece are vibrant yet soothing! Its aura reaches out and draws you in ~ ~ ~
This is a VERY LARGE work of art ~ almost 4 feet high! And nearly 3 feet wide! It measures 40"x32" and will spendidly decorate any wall on which it is placed ~ whether it is in your casa or place of work. This fabulous folk art painting will be a focal point and a special addition to the collection of artwork in any home, restaurant, church community or recreation room, even a veterinarian office! It is a perfect size to place over a fireplace, dining table, couch, bed, desk or in a grand hallway. Also, there are so many colours in this piece (turquoise, blue, green, yellow, gold, purple, coral & red) that it will easily go with most any colour scheme!
What a great opportunity this is for the right buyer to add to his or her collection of Mexican Folk Art! And a perfect time to start a collection (if you haven't already) as Mexican Folk Art is quite popular now ~ and increasing in value with time.
Please Note: Colours may vary according to different computer monitors.
This Mexican Folk Art painting is an ORIGINAL work of art, brightly painted with acrylics on gallery-wrapped, professionally stretched canvas measuring 40" x 32". This premier frame is also cross braced and has sturdy, precisely tailored corners and the canvas is tight with clean, staple-free edges ~ all four sides are painted ~ this piece can be beautifully displayed as quickly as you receive it!. There is a hanger on the back - when you receive this artwork all you need to do is place it in your special area! Also, this piece has been finished with several coats of non-yellowing acrylic varnish to protect and enhance its beauty for many years to come.
The front of this painting is signed by the artist and the back is also signed, dated (2009) and titled. By the way the artist "Romy" - that's me! I live on the border between Texas and Old Mexico ~ near the Big Bend National Park ~ a few miles from Terlingua Ghost Town ~ and I love the history and culture of this area ~ a raw, still quite primitive land ~ a desert land where "rainbows wait for rain." The last few photos in this description show my outdoor studio which faces Santa Elena Canyon and the Rio Grande, the natural border between Old Mexico and Texas ~ and it is from this primitive setting ~ 80 miles from town ~ that I find most of my inspiration for painting. (in the photos Mexico is on the left side of the river and Texas is on the right)
I enjoyed the visit ~ Gracias! And, please, while you are here take a moment to View My Other Items For Sale ~ Presently, at eBay auction I have several large paintings this same size. I also have a variety of other sizes painted on canvas, tin, ceramic tile and wood. Lots of subjects: Saint Francis (patron of peace & animals), St. Therese, San Pascual Bailon (patron of cooks and most popularly known as the "kitchen saint"), Virgen de Guadalupe, Don Quixote, Tree of Life, Mexican Exvoto Retablo, Sacred Heart Milagro, Santos, Mexico Village setting, Market Day scene, Day of the Dead, Senorita portrait, figures, burro, abstract, desert landscape, cactus, seascape, angels, animals, floral & many more!
If you are an avid collector of Mexican Folk Art paintings ~ Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) ~ Mexican Exvoto Retablos ~ Latin American/Spanish Folk Art ~ and Southwest Folk Art ~ please Add me to your Favorite Sellers as I specialize in these areas.
Paypal only, thank you. This painting will be shipped via UPS Ground. I schedule shipment the next business day following receipt of payment.
View My About Me page to read my bio!
Adios Amigo
I hope you enjoyed your visit to my estudio! And please do drop by again sometime soon ~ my door is always open and you are always welcome!
Muchos gracias for dropping by to see what I've been working on in my estudio ~ my newest painting is this HUGE Mexican Ex-voto Retablo dedicated to San Francisco ~ Saint Francis ~ the patron of peace and animals. I hope you enjoy it & please drop by again soon!
Have a grand day! RoMy
Artist Quote for the day: Art is idea. It is not enough to draw, paint, and sculpt. An artist should be able to think. -- Gordon Woods
Saint Francis~St ReTaBLo~MeXiCaN FoLk ArT~RoMy Painting
Southwest ~ Mexican Folk Art Painting ~ RoMy Original
Title: "Saint Francis"
Size: 40"x32" ~ AWESOME SIZE CANVAS!!!
Hola! Muchos Gracias for stopping by my Terlingua Art Studio near Terlingua Ghost Town & Big Bend National Park (Texas) along the border of Old Mexico! For your consideration today I am offering this original painting:
Such a sweet aura in this Mexican ex-voto retablo of Saint Francis! San Francisco is the patron of peace & animals and is loved by all! The Spanish lettering on this unique painting reads: The animals give thanks to Saint Francis for his watch over them always.
Saint Francis is gently holding a dove in his hands and opposite him are two more dove. There is a Mexican cross in this piece ~ a colourful coyote and burro ~ a red bird and a blue bird ~ and an old mission. There is a sliver of a moon and a sprinkling of stars ~ and everywhere are tiny crosses! The colours in this piece are vibrant yet soothing! Its aura reaches out and draws you in ~ ~ ~
This is a VERY LARGE work of art ~ almost 4 feet high! And nearly 3 feet wide! It measures 40"x32" and will spendidly decorate any wall on which it is placed ~ whether it is in your casa or place of work. This fabulous folk art painting will be a focal point and a special addition to the collection of artwork in any home, restaurant, church community or recreation room, even a veterinarian office! It is a perfect size to place over a fireplace, dining table, couch, bed, desk or in a grand hallway. Also, there are so many colours in this piece (turquoise, blue, green, yellow, gold, purple, coral & red) that it will easily go with most any colour scheme!
What a great opportunity this is for the right buyer to add to his or her collection of Mexican Folk Art! And a perfect time to start a collection (if you haven't already) as Mexican Folk Art is quite popular now ~ and increasing in value with time.
Please Note: Colours may vary according to different computer monitors.
This Mexican Folk Art painting is an ORIGINAL work of art, brightly painted with acrylics on gallery-wrapped, professionally stretched canvas measuring 40" x 32". This premier frame is also cross braced and has sturdy, precisely tailored corners and the canvas is tight with clean, staple-free edges ~ all four sides are painted ~ this piece can be beautifully displayed as quickly as you receive it!. There is a hanger on the back - when you receive this artwork all you need to do is place it in your special area! Also, this piece has been finished with several coats of non-yellowing acrylic varnish to protect and enhance its beauty for many years to come.
The front of this painting is signed by the artist and the back is also signed, dated (2009) and titled. By the way the artist "Romy" - that's me! I live on the border between Texas and Old Mexico ~ near the Big Bend National Park ~ a few miles from Terlingua Ghost Town ~ and I love the history and culture of this area ~ a raw, still quite primitive land ~ a desert land where "rainbows wait for rain." The last few photos in this description show my outdoor studio which faces Santa Elena Canyon and the Rio Grande, the natural border between Old Mexico and Texas ~ and it is from this primitive setting ~ 80 miles from town ~ that I find most of my inspiration for painting. (in the photos Mexico is on the left side of the river and Texas is on the right)
I enjoyed the visit ~ Gracias! And, please, while you are here take a moment to View My Other Items For Sale ~ Presently, at eBay auction I have several large paintings this same size. I also have a variety of other sizes painted on canvas, tin, ceramic tile and wood. Lots of subjects: Saint Francis (patron of peace & animals), St. Therese, San Pascual Bailon (patron of cooks and most popularly known as the "kitchen saint"), Virgen de Guadalupe, Don Quixote, Tree of Life, Mexican Exvoto Retablo, Sacred Heart Milagro, Santos, Mexico Village setting, Market Day scene, Day of the Dead, Senorita portrait, figures, burro, abstract, desert landscape, cactus, seascape, angels, animals, floral & many more!
If you are an avid collector of Mexican Folk Art paintings ~ Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) ~ Mexican Exvoto Retablos ~ Latin American/Spanish Folk Art ~ and Southwest Folk Art ~ please Add me to your Favorite Sellers as I specialize in these areas.
Paypal only, thank you. This painting will be shipped via UPS Ground. I schedule shipment the next business day following receipt of payment.
View My About Me page to read my bio!
Adios Amigo
I hope you enjoyed your visit to my estudio! And please do drop by again sometime soon ~ my door is always open and you are always welcome!
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