Hola ~ from "Where Rainbows Wait for Rain" ~
The rainbows had rain yesterday evening! Only a smattering here at mi casa ~ but every evening just before dark I hike to the top of a mesa on the back side of our property where we neighbor the Big Bend National Park ~ and I could see the rain ~ looked like a good one ~ up in the high country where the Lodge is ~ and the clouds white and thick draped over the Chisos (Ghost) Mountains ~ beautiful!
From top of the mesa I could see Rough Run Crik and it had quite a bit of water which also told me the higher country had gotten rain. Maybe today it'll rain here at mi casa!
And by the time I walked the trail back down the wind kicked up and the temperature dropped almost immediately ~ so cool that I had a few goosebumps!! ~
~~~ I am still working on my latest painting of Santa Elena Canyon in the moonlight and a couple of vaqueros crossing the Rio Grande ~ but it's not finished yet ~ I hope to have some photos of it in a few days ~
For those of you who are interested in reading with me from Peter Koch's 1945 Diary here is the next insert (and if you have just joined in and want to know what this diary is all about please read the post of September 3, 2009 ~ where you'll find explanation):
Century Plant Begun
Wednesday March 28th
Decided that a trip down to Hot Springs was in order as I could film the ocotilla, cactus and see the sunlight effect on the Del Carmens - We got started about noon and went down to Tornillo Creek in some rough arid section took a few feet of pictures. The Rosillos are in the background and show red against the yellow clay and gravel of the Creek foreground.
We went down the road and with frequent stops to photograph we did finally arrive at the Hot Springs dry - hungry. Ate our lunch on the creek - three killdee parading in the flags in front of us.
On our way back we made several stops but tonight the scenes lacked some of its beauty, so I did not make any more exposures.
The last of the Texas bluebonnet made a nice little scene in the valley of the Rio Grande.
Began filming the Agave - sequence of growth.
End of the diary's post for this day ~~~
The above photos are what was left of Peter Koch's darkroom, (many, many years after he penned this diary) when we bought this place. During the time that he wrote this diary in 1945 he and his familia lived in the Park.
When we bought this property ~ which had passed hands at least once since Peter lived here ~ this darkroom, unfortunately, had to be torn down ~ I hated losing a piece of history but the snakes had made a breeding ground of this building which was built right into the side of a hill. But inside were stacks of Arizona Highway magazines from the 1940's and 1950's ~ which I still have and so enjoy reading! And even though this piece of Peter's past is no longer in existence when I pass this area I smile as I picture him in there developing his film all those years ago!
To read more of his diary ~ please check back tomorrow & have a fabulous day! RoMy