CaTRiNa~Day of the Dead~MeXiCaN FoLk ArT~RoMy Painting
Hola! Good to see you! In my estudio today I painted some on my "Tree of Life" ~ it is so detailed ~ may be a few days more in finishing. Then I will start a new "Don Quixote" piece. Originally I had planned to do him on another large canvas ~ and I still might....but awhile back I was on a "scavenger hunt" in Old Mexico and came across a wonderful old wooden screen with three panels (used for privacy in the bedroom ~ stand behind it to dress and/or undress) and I immediately purchased it! I knew I would eventualy paint something on it. This morning I thought how neat it would be to paint several scenes on it from the novel of Don Quixote....
Anyways, I have a La Catrina painting I'd like to share with you this evening, until I finish my Tree of Life.
And the artist quote for the day is: Art is like a border of flowers along the course of civilization. -- Lincoln Steffens
Have a great evening! RoMy