Hola! This is just one of the Southwest ~ Mexican Folk Art paintings I have available right now on ebay! I hope you will like it! I always love to paint the pretty senoritas! And the desert!
To me the desert is such a magical and wonderful place to live. I am always in awe of the desert wildlife and desert plants that can not only survive ~ but thrive! ~ in the desert. Even in the hottest days of relentless summer heat the jack rabbits, the roadrunners, the coyotes, the javelina and the snakes ~ just to name a few of the inhabitants here ~ still go about their business of simply enjoying being alive! The rabbits eagerly chase one another like children playing, the male roadrunner pursues the female with the love offering of a tasty lizard dangling from his long beak, the coyotes sing till the wee hours of the morn, a lone javelina finds his way through the watergap in my fence to graze on this side of the border, and the snakes gather with all these critters at the dutch ovens I keep filled with fresh water for all to partake of. Some folks think the desert is hell ~ others think it is heaven. I call it heaven! And I believe all the critters that live here call it heaven, too! But it is really all a matter of perspective. All of us have our own "viewfinder" that colours the world in which we live....
Well enough rambling! Please take a moment to see my "Desert Serenade" and in closing here's the Artist Quote for the day: Art, like morality, exists in drawing the line somewhere. -- G.K. Chesterton
"Desert Serenade" is a beautiful blending of southwest colour ~ gorgeous mountains ~ and tiny stars ~ in shades of blue and turquoise, and just a sliver of a pink moon. Sitting in the windowsill is a beautiful senorita wearing a lovely dress in a soft shade of lavender ~ and a small cross necklace. Beside her is a gorgeous pot of calla lillies. Outside beneath the moon and stars, next to the saquaro and prickly pear cactus ~ a gold colored coyote serenades the senorita ~ and the moon ~ with a song.